Friday, July 27, 2007

PB Wiki

When I first looked at this web address I had no idea that the PB stood for peanut butter. After seeing the site it reminded me of the code word me and my friend Drew used on our first trip Europe.

We hitched-hiked from London to Rome and back and if during our travels either one of us felt funny about a ride or a situation we would say Peanut butter and if the other agreed they would say jelly. Then we would clap our hands like putting the sandwich together and split, leave, get the hell out of there!

It was a good system because you might be a little nervous for no good reason one time and you would miss out on a good time or a good ride. This way there had to be consensus that this was a "bad scene" before we bolted.

Needless to say but we didn't miss out on many good times and met and slept (with/in) a lot of interesting (people /places).

I found a wiki on travel. It has a good outline and a lot of information on Italy but only on the main attractions. I can't decide whether to help add to this site or develop my own. We'll see maybe I'll try filling in Padua for them and see how it goes.

Well, back to the PBWiki. I entered my blog on the wiki and made an entry to one of the pages. I hope I didn't step over any lines when I used %&#%!$* symbols in my post. I guess the saying can be loosely referred to as a literary device.

I thought that posting was easy but it was hard to figure out how the formatting buttons worked. I liked the preview button so you could try out different formatting codes and see what happened.


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