Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Flickr and the Turkey Carcass

I have been looking at the flickr sight and discovering the different features that the sight provides, groups, sets, tags etc.. and decided to link to my almost brother-in-law Michael's site. (you see conviventi (Italian for shacking up) runs in the family) He has a great flickr site that shows all of these features.

Michael Cammer takes more pictures then anyone I know. Don't mention navel lint to him or he might start a whole new picture set and you can never know where that will lead.

All this activity has lead him to make an extensive flickr site that makes good use of tags and sets. Alot of his pictures are private but he has a large public area.

Be forewarned Michael is an artist and is not tied to what many would consider normal bounds of propriety.

Here's a link to a Thanksgiving Day 2006 picture. From there you can access the rest of his flickr site and see his use of sets and tags.
Bon Apppetit

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